The HKIAP 30th anniversary scientific congress will be held on schedule Oct 24-26 Hong Kong Time. In view of the travel restrictions for practically all of us, we have reformatted the meeting to both virtual and physical, and this meeting is now open for registration.highlights:1. MANY renowned international speakers for a 3 days course covering most disciplines. the program is attached for your information2. we have significantly marked down the registration fee3. we now accept credit card payment so registration is very easy and hassle free4. We still offer travel grants, which covers free registration and a stipend of USD 400, which can be carried over to our meetings next year.Details and registration link can be found in our website siteand this is the link to registration:if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at
The annual pathology academic meeting, organized by IAP-Thailand Association. The meeting is for promoting knowledge for local as well as international pathologists. All academic sessions will be conducted in English. We are very welcome for all audiences over the world. Online registration and payment is now available and will be closed on October 24th, 2019.
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
On behalf of the organizing committee, I would like to invite you to the 59th IAP-Thailand Annual Meeting that will take place in Bangkok, Thailand, from November 6th to 8th, 2019.
The venue of the conference will be at the Swissôtel Bangkok Ratchada, located in the heart of Bangkok, where you will find extensive choices for accommodation and restaurants, and easy access to the city’s subway system for convenient transport options to and from the meeting place.
In this congress, there will be informative sessions providing updates and practical points on several subspecialties of anatomic pathology, presented by renowned international experts and local specialists.
In addition to the academic activities, this year we are celebrating the 100th anniversary of pathology in Thailand, which was started in 1919 by Professor Aller G. Ellis as the first chairman of the Pathology Department at Siriraj Hospital. The historical aspects of pathology in Thailand will be a special presentation at this meeting by Professor Sanya Sukpanichnant from Siriraj Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand.
I am confident that the event will be a most impressive experience and a great opportunity for you to update your knowledge on diagnostic pathology in several subspecialties, along with taking the opportunity to visit and enjoy the lively city of Bangkok.
We look forward to seeing you at this congress.
Scientific Program
The below is the draft for the scientific program. There might be future changes.
The registration fee depends on the date of payment, not the date of online registration. Thai and international trainees are requested to show approval letter of trainee status from institution. Online registration and payment is now available and will be closed on October 24th, 2019. Credit card payment is welcome for all registrants.
Oral and Poster presentation
Abstract submission
1. Abstract submission period for the IAP-Thailand Annual Meeting 2019 is available from July 1st to August 31st, 2019.
2. The abstracts should be submitted to They must be arranged in constructed fashion including title, background, method, results, and conclusion, and must not exceed 250 words. Authors’ name and their affiliations must also be given. The language must be in English. Symbols are allowed to be used. Once the abstract has been submitted via email, no changes or corrections will be accepted.
3. The author should specify whether the presentation will be performed in oral or poster platform, or could be any. If author is able to present in both oral and poster platforms, the committee will decide which platform will be presented.
4. An email notification for the acceptance or rejection will be sent before September 15th, 2019.
5. Presenter must register to the meeting.
6. On the date of submission, the abstract must not have been published elsewhere.
7. Please ask for the application form from
Guideline for Oral presentation
1. Time for presentation must not exceed 10 minutes for each presenter, including Q&A.
2. Presentation period is scheduled on afternoon of November 6-8th, 2019.
3. Language: Presentations must be conducted in English only.
Guideline for poster preparation
1. Heading: The poster title, authors’ name and affiliations should be placed at the top of the poster.
2. Poster size: 90 cm width x 120 cm height.
3. Presentation period: Posters will be posted for viewing from November 6th, 2019 and must be taken down by 15.00 hr. on November 8th, 2019.
4. Formal poster viewing will take place on November 7th, 2019 during coffee breaks. Poster presenters are requested to stand by their posters during the formal poster session. All delegates are encouraged to attend.
5. Language: English only
More information for the presentation submission: Please send an email to
SHOWTIME: There will be a session which participants will present their interesting cases to the audiences. The term and conditions are as following.
1. The participants must be pathologists or pathology residents, regardless of nationalities.
2. The participants can submit unlimited numbers of cases but only the most interesting one will be considered for stage presentation by the committee.
3. The participants must perform stage presentation of his/her submitted cases by himself/herself.
4. All submitted cases must contain all necessary pathological information along with relevant conclusion.
5. Submitted cases must not be the same cases as that of oral and/or poster presentations.
6. Abstracts can be written in unconstructed format and must not exceed 200 words. Please note that it will not be published in the proceeding.
7. Abstracts must be submitted to before August 31th, 2019.
8. The stage presentation must be presented in Microsoft PowerPoint format entirely in English. Time limit for each case is within 10 minutes, 8 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for floor discussion.
9. All participants whose cases are selected for stage presentation will receive certificate and souvenir from the IAP Thailand.
10. The decision of the committee is final.
Travel Grant for the 59th IAP-Thailand Annual Meeting 2019
Terms and conditions
1. The applicants must be pathologists or pathology residents of non-Thai nationalities who currently work/study outside of Thailand. Thus, anyone from any countries except Thai are welcome.
2. The selected applicants will be granted for financial sponsorship, 10,000 THB per person as well as registration fee exemption.
3. The applicants who were granted a financial sponsorship from the previous year are not eligible for this year application.
4. The applicants are obliged to contribute at least one academic presentation in any available sessions e.g. oral/poster presentation or Showtime (interesting case) of the IAP Annual Meeting 2019.
5. The application forms must be submitted along with the academic abstracts to within the period of 1 July - 31 August 2019. Please ask for the application form from
6. The travel grants will be provided only to the applicants whose submitted abstracts are approved by the IAP Thailand committee.
IAP Thailand committee reserves full legitimation in granting sponsorship up to 10 most eligible applicants.
7. The decision of the committee is final.
Download : Appilcation form for presentation cilck!
: Invitation letter for Thai pathologists click!
: Invitation letter for International pathologists click!
Lecture files :
Dr.Andrey Bychkov (Click for download)
Dr.Anais Malpica (Click for download)
Dr.Anthony Chan (Click for download)
Dr.Aysegul A Sahin (Click for download)
Dr.Bharat N. Nathwani (Click for download)
Dr.Bradley J. Quade (Click for download)
Dr.Fausto J. Rodriguez (Click for download)
Dr.Gary Tse (Click for download)
Dr.Haroon Firooz (Click for download)
Dr.Joseph D. Khoury (Click for download)
Dr.Komkrit Ruangritchankul (Click for download)
Dr.Kyu-Rae Kim (Click for download)
Dr.Leomar Y. Ballester (Click for download)
Dr.Matthew A. Zarka (Click for download)
Dr.Meredith Pittman (Click for download)
Dr.Narittee Sukswai (Click for download)
Dr.Ngoentra Tantranont (Click for download)
Dr.Patrawadee Duangjak (Click for download)
Dr.Philipp StrÖbel (Click for download)
Dr.Phyu P. Aung (Click for download)
Dr.Sarah M. Dry (Click for download)
Dr.Shanop Shuangshoti (Click for download)
Dr.Soon Won Hong (Click for download)
Dr.Victor G. Prieto (Click for download)
Dr.Wasee Tulvatana (Click for download)
More information: Please send an email to