The 61st IAP-Thailand Annual Meeting 2022

The annual pathology academic meeting, organized by IAP-Thailand Association. The meeting is for promoting knowledge for pathologists. Since the uncertainty of the COVID 19 pandemic, the meeting will be set as virtual (online) meeting only. All academic sessions will be conducted in English. We are very welcome for all audiences over the world. Online registration and payment are closed


Welcome Message from President



Dear Colleagues, 


On behalf of the International Academy of Pathology (IAP), Thailand division, I am pleased to welcome you all to join our upcoming 61st IAP Thailand annual meeting, held on November 2nd -4th, 2022.  As always, the scientific program in this meeting will consist of multiple pathology fields, which also include cytology and molecular pathology.  Our invited speakers, who are international and local experts, will share their precious experiences with you.  There will be plenty of updated knowledge and innovative technologies essential to every pathologist presented at this meeting.  Although the conference will be organized on the virtual platform, the application software has been designed to be user-friendly for either senior or young pathologists.  This year, our organization also supports free registration for trainees as usual.


We are looking forward to your participation.


Monchanok  Suvichanvorasin, MD.

President of the International Academy of Pathology, Thailand Division



Scientific Program


The draft for the scientific program is below. 






The registration fee depends on the date of payment (not the date of registration).   Online registration and payment is now available and will be closed on October 20th, 2022. 


Note: Once your registration is complete, you will receive a meeting certificate and a receipt sent by email.  If you don't see the email, please check your spam/junk folder.


Invitation letter for Thai (Click here)

Invitation letter for International (Click here)


E-Poster presentation

Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, there is no oral presentation platform for the IAP-Thailand Annual Meeting 2022.


Abstract submission

1.  Abstract submission period for the IAP-Thailand Annual Meeting 2022 is available from August 1st - 31st, 2022. 

2.  Please use the provided template for abstract (click here to download). The abstract must be arranged in constructed fashion including title, background, method, results, and conclusion, and should not exceed 250 words. The language must be English. Symbols are allowed to be used.

3. There is no limit to the number of abstracts that can be submitted. However, an author may present no more than one abstract. The IAP-Thailand committee reserves the rights to choose the abstract to be presented in the meeting.      

4. The abstract must be submitted to Once the abstract has been submitted, no changes or corrections will be accepted.  

5. An email notification for the acceptance or rejection will be sent before September 30th, 2022.

6. After acceptance of the abstract, the author must register to the meeting.

7. On the date of submission, the abstract must not have been published elsewhere. 


Guideline for E-poster preparation

1. Poster format: PowerPoint. The author must use the provided template from IAP-Thailand (click here to download).

2. Heading: The poster title, Authors, Co-authors, institution, institution logo, and country should be placed at the top of the poster.

3. Language: English only


More information for the presentation submission: Please send an email to


Free registration for the IAP-Thailand Annual Meeting 2022

The IAP-Thailand Association will provide free registration for 20 pathologists and 10 pathology trainees from any countries (except Thai).  

1. The applicants must be pathologists or residents who currently work or train outside Thailand.

2. Application is open during August 1st - 31st, 2022. Applicants have to register to the meeting. To apply for free registration, please register as regular process. Before payment, there will be a button to apply for free registration. Please follow the step. 

3. Applicants must submit abstracts for E-poster presentation (please see detail above).

4.  The decision of the committee is final.


More information: Please send an email to







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